Survivor Instructions

Instructions to the Survivors of Body Donors

  • As soon as possible after death, the body should be transferred to a funeral home of the family’s choice.
  • The funeral home should be requested to embalm the body by means of arterial route only. When the body reaches the Anatomical Board, special embalming procedures will be carried out.
  • The director of the funeral home should be informed of the wishes of the deceased. Before transporting the body, the funeral home director should notify the Anatomical Board of the State of Florida. The funeral home director can telephone the board at (352) 392-3588.

Costs of donation

  • The family or estate of the deceased must pay the costs of preliminary embalming and transportation.
  • These costs are set by individual funeral homes. The Anatomical Board has no jurisdiction in this matter.
  • You may wish to discuss arrangements with more than one funeral director.
  • Bodies delivered to the Anatomical Board should not be in a casket.

Donation eligibility

There is no age limit on donated bodies. We cannot accept a body for donation if:

  • An autopsy has been performed
  • Death was caused by a crushing injury
  • The individual had extreme obesity
  • The individual had a highly contagious disease (such as AIDS or hepatitis B or C)


  • After being used in education and research, the body is usually cremated. This is pursuant to Florida Statutes 497.005.
  • Survivors can choose to receive the ashes after cremation. Ashes can only be returned to a funeral home. To receive the ashes, please complete an Ashes Requested form. 
  • If no request is received, the Anatomical Board takes responsibility for disposing of the cremains. They are spread over the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
  • If cremation is not desired, notify the Anatomical Board at the time of transportation. The body can be turned over to a funeral home for such burial as the family may specify. Burial by a funeral home will be at the expense of the family.
