Body donor programs were established at the University of Miami in 1952 and at the University of Florida in 1956 as the schools enrolled their first medical students. In 1970, the Anatomical Board was established at the University of Florida College of Medicine by letters of agreement from the Board of Regents to handle the donation and use of bodies for education and research. Recent Florida Statutes 406.49-406.61 have defined a prominent role of the Anatomical Board in regulating anatomical specimens for teaching and research in the State of Florida. The Executive Director of the Anatomical Board is based at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, and handles the daily activities of the Anatomical Board. There is a governing board consisting of members from five of the Florida medical schools (University of Florida, University of Miami, University of South Florida, University of Central Florida, and Florida State University) and the Osteopathic School of Medicine (Nova Southeastern University). The members of the Anatomical Board meet annually to review budget and policies of the Anatomical Board.